The OSHub Final Event brought together all partners, teachers and key stakeholders, to consolidate the outcomes of the project, share best practices and discuss the sustainability and legacy of local OSHubs.
The Open Science Hub Network (OSHub.Network) supports schools and local stakeholders to use research and innovation as a tool for tackling local challenges and contributing to sustainable community development.
More specifically, the OSHub.Network has established an European network of community hubs - OSHubs, in communities that traditionally do not engage with research and innovation due to various barriers, geographical location, socio-economic status, or ethnic minority group background.
Local OSHubs work as mediators in each local community, positioning schools as active agents for collaboration between families, universities, research institutes, industry, enterprises, media, local governments, civil society organizations, and wider society, by engaging in real-life projects that meet societal needs.
As such, OSHubs support schools identifying specific needs and implementing the different phases of the Open Schooling process, namely through the co-development and implementation of research and innovation projects and activities, facilitation of continuing professional development programmes for teachers and school leaders, and by assessing which practices work and under what circumstances.
By supporting local schools and communities with the tools and network to tackle relevant challenges, OSHub.Network aims to create local impact while simultaneously promoting an active global citizenship attitude, thus contributing to community development, innovation and well-being.
Moreover, OSHubs foster the development and sustaining of local networks and strategies for schools and community stakeholders to exchange their knowledge and experiences, and to collaborate on joint projects at different levels, both at the national and European levels.
The OSHub.Network has established an European network of collaboration hubs - OSHubs -, in communities that traditionally do not engage with research and innovation due to various barriers - geographical location, socio-economic status, or ethnic minority group background, aiming to overcome barriers and building bridges across Europe.
To encourage usage and maximise impact in Europe and beyond, all resources, products and solutions developed by the OSHub.Network are based on Open Standards, such as open education, open science, open technology, open design. To ensure the legacy and reach of the project, OSHub.Network resources and best-practices have been shared in a dedicated section of this website - OSHub Blueprint.
The Open Science Hub Blueprint provides guidelines, best practices, real cases and examples that will guide aspirants through the different building blocks for establishing an OSHub.
mais informações
O Conselho Consultivo do OSHub é composto por representantes de diferentes setores da sociedade, tais como Educação, Indústria, Academia e Governos Locais/Regionais.
TRACES and Espace des Sciences
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes,
ESPCI Paris - PSL University
É um/a estudante, docente, diretor/a de escola,
e gostaria que a sua escola fizesse parte da rede OSHub, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento, inovação e bem-estar da sua comunidade?
e gostaria de se juntar ao seu OSHub local e ajudar a co-criar este projeto com a sua comunidade local?
e gostaria de juntar-se a nós, nesta iniciativa, para co-desenvolver projetos liderados pela escola e endereçar desafios localmente relevantes?
e gostaria de colaborar connosco na co-criação de uma estratégia para apoiar as escolas a tornarem-se agentes de transformação na sua comunidade?
Por favor envie um e-mail para
Maria Vicente
Gestora de Projeto do OSHub.Network, Universidade de Leiden