způsob sdílení inspirativních myšlenek, postupů zkušeností a výsledků celoživotního vzdělávání. Je to také způsob aktivace místních komunit a posílení spolupráce napříč společností.
roli místních komunit, aby mohli
aktivně naslouchat a řešit problémy
a výzvy, kterým čelíme v našem
běžném životě.
OSHub-CZ facilitates the collaboration within the local community to creatively deal with interesting/important daily-life challenges.
Target public:
Members of local communities, especially students, teachers, parents/families and local actors, such as municipalities.
OSHub-CZ implemented a decentralised approach by establishing a network of OSHubs across different regions of Czech Republic, based on existing local premises/entities – with their own facilities, teams, equipment. More specifically, local OSHubs have been established at: Kovarska, Ore mountains, managed by the NGO Do Krajin; Trebon, Trebon lowlands, managed by a local section of the Czech Union of Nature Protectors; foothills of the Sumava mountains, managed by the Elementary School – Zdikov.
This approach aims to strengthen the role of OSHubs as centres for knowledge-based local development, thus increasing the resilience of local communities and ensuring long-term sustainability.
Despite their different contexts, all local OSHubs share the common objective of using real-life issues/topics to increase the interest of local communities in scientific processes and tools, while promoting the development of local networks that contribute to community development.
Despite their different contexts, all local OSHubs share the common objective of using real-life issues/topics to increase the interest of local communities in scientific processes and tools, while promoting the development of local networks that contribute to community development.
In addition, SCIENCE IN, the coordinator entity of OSHub-CZ, also develops programs and activities with national reach, as we describe below.
We Create our own Mobile Path
KOUMANDO TV series and its experiments
Let's make our own film documentary
COVID The Teacher
What Air do we Breathe?
Read more